Austin Youth Basketball is proud to announce their affiliation with the Dripping Springs Youth Sports Association. Coach Chris Corbett with help from other top basketball trainers are sharing basketball know how with up to 40 youngsters for 4 weeks prior to the basketball season kickoff.
Austin Youth Basketball is ready to help your basketball league go to the next level by starting an academy designed around your needs.
We look forward to helping Dripping Springs with camps, pre-season conditioning clinics, coaches clinics, and making high level personalized training available to the community and possibly co-sponsoring a lightly structured open gym format.The clinic is open to kids outside of the Dripping Area.
Ages 4th grade thru 6th grade (boys and girls)
Dates: Wednesday Evenings 10/14/15 for 4 Consecutive Weeks
Time: 6:45 to 8:15
Place: Rooster Springs Elementary School
Bring: Your Basketball and Water
Price: $90
More Info 512-921-4444
To Register Bring Cash or Check for $90 to Rooster Springs Elementary School Wednesday night